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SFX Ice Wax and Glass Wax
Unit Weight in kg: 25
When the winter is coming… a lot of ice is needed on set!
Our Special Effects Ice Wax has been used in many of the blockbuster movies and series you have seen recently. Ice Wax can be used to build ice sculptures and ice structures that, crucially, don’t melt. You have seen our (transparent) product used for icicles, ice altars, frozen lakes. Our wax is used by artists, SFX specialists, studios and companies around the world because of it’s quality and safety on stage or set.
This wax can be heated and hand poured when molten. Used with moulds (ideally silicone rubber moulds or silicone coated moulds), our Ice Wax can be used to create glass-like items and theatrical glass structures. You can even create bottles, jars, glass sheets.
Props and items made with our Ice Wax and Glass Wax are being safe to break or shatter if needed, although out SFX Shatter Wax is specifically designed for shattering on set. Please get in touch to discuss specific requirements.